Thinking about Getting a Chemical Peel? Learn about a Laser Alternative

If you worry that your face has lost some of its youthful looks or are bothered by acne scars, several remedies are available. One is the chemical peel, which is a traditional treatment but has its drawbacks. Laser technology provides a more natural alternative with longer-lasting outcomes. While chemical peels are relatively safe, a medical spa near you can offer an affordable alternative to restore your skin’s natural beauty.
What Is a Chemical Peel?
Also known as dermapeeling or chemexfoliation, a chemical peel involves applying a chemical solution to the skin to enhance or improve how it looks and feels. The solution varies depending on the condition you’re treating or how deep you need to go in the skin.
During treatment, a trained professional applies a chemical mixture to your skin, causing slight injury to the top layers. Eventually, these layers peel off, revealing more youthful, rejuvenated skin underneath. Depending on the issue you’re treating, the result is typically a more even skin tone, fewer lines or wrinkles, and a brighter complexion.
A chemical peel can treat various skin conditions on the face, neck, or hands. Many patients seek this treatment to address
- Acne
- Dark patches, like melasma
- Dull complexion, scaly spots
- Rough skin
- Fine lines around your mouth or under the eyes
- Mild scarring
- Freckles and sun, age, and liver spots
- Uneven skin coloring
Drawbacks to a Chemical Peel
Chemical peels can be effective, but they have downsides. One is that they won’t solve all dermatological problems. Deep wrinkles, sags, and prominent scars don’t respond well to chemical peels.
Your skin type might also make you a less-than-ideal candidate for this treatment. For example, having a darker skin tone will make you more susceptible to post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, which is when your skin darkens after a peel. You should also avoid chemical peels if your skin tends to develop dark scars, you take medications that make your skin sensitive, or you won’t be able to avoid the sun during the recovery period following treatment.
Consider Skin Resurfacing with Laser Technology
Having skin that doesn’t respond well to chemicals doesn’t mean you’re out of luck. Consider laser resurfacing technology, which is safe, allows your provider more control during treatment, and produces more accurate results.
Depending on your desired outcome, you can opt for ablative or non-ablative resurfacing. With an ablative treatment, the laser removes the skin’s top layers to allow new skin to flourish. Unlike a chemical peel, ablative laser treatment can help address deeper wrinkles, scarring, and more stubborn age spots. Because the recovery time is longer than that of non-ablative resurfacing, ablative is ideal for spot treatments.
Non-ablative laser resurfacing involves vaporizing small tissue sections in the affected area, leaving other spots undamaged. This approach kick-starts the skin’s collagen production, which promotes natural healing and a smoother surface. Regarding side effects and recovery time, this type of laser resurfacing is similar to a medium-depth chemical peel.
At Everglow Medical Spa, we use the latest equipment to deliver the best results. If you want a chemical peel alternative, we use the Fotona Dynamis. This cutting-edge tool offers precision and accuracy by targeting the areas needing treatment while leaving the surrounding skin untouched. The heat from the laser stimulates natural healing and increases collagen production, enhancing your skin’s youthful look.
Experience Expert Care at Everglow Medical Spa
During your laser rejuvenation, you’ll be in the care of medical professionals. Our doctors and nurses are experienced and trained in skincare, and we’re committed to providing you with top-quality service tailored to your needs.
If you have questions or are ready to take the first step in improving the health of your skin, contact an affordable medical spa in Cincinnati. Schedule a free consultation today to learn about laser rejuvenation and other affordable services we offer at Everglow Medical Spa.